Sunday, 10 October 2010

The Theory Fully Explained :)

Hello everyone again!!! In this second post we'll continue the exposition of our theory and we'll get to the core points of it.

We have underlined the common elements in/between Egyptian and Latin America cultures, but there is to say that once more the same references to an alien race, (the pyramids and objects in the sky), can be found also in other old civilizations, like the Sumerian one and the people of Nepal (there are again artworks and artefacts that demonstrate this); but the most significant observation has to be made regarding Christian religion. Indeed also here there are references to a God that created beings resembling its form (humans),giving them the gift of life and making them populate this planet, to a Kingdom of Heavens, to miracles, to ascensions to the sky. If we assume that this race of aliens has visited many places of the world, surely they can have visited also Palestine in the years of the birth of Christ, of course for a certain purpose that we'll explain. It’s very likely this visit was intended to be less static than the previous ones, probably because the purpose was not to help the development of a culture, but instead to teach some important rules to them, rules that are carved into the precepts of Christian religion: we’ll discuss this point more specifically further into this post .So, in this perspective and with these premises, we have to postulate the core of our theory, so that you can see how the elements mentioned before(God as human-like, creation of life, Kingdom of Heavens, miracles, ascensions, but also the figure of Jesus, Salvation, apocalypse, hell and paradise) can be re-read into a new light and how every piece can fit perfectly with the other.
Let's start from the aspect of the sky people, that can lead us to a first important conclusion: we know that they were “humanoids”, with larger heads (that imply a great evolution of their brains and therefore a very high intelligence),and thin bodies. As it happened for humans, whose skulls grew in proportions with evolution, therefore developing a higher intelligence than the other life forms on Earth, and whose bodies in consequence lost some characteristics that evolution considered unnecessary, the aspect of those aliens can reflect another step in the evolution chain, when the need of a strong body was replaced by the need of a bigger brain: Indeed if they could move through the universe they certainly had incredibly advanced technologies, and surely they could do almost everything with those, therefore not necessitating anymore a body like ours. What we want to say with this is that what we called ''aliens'' are nothing but other humans, that have reached a higher step into evolution. That explains why, not only in the Christian one, but practically in all religions that postulate the existence of a superior being, this being is always represented as human-like.
The super-advanced technologies and the divine intelligence of this other race of humans can easily have brought them to discover the intimate secrets of life (also us, with our limited brains, are making important achievements in the study of DNA, cloning, cells, nanotechnology in general and many other hugely complex subjects), that allowed them to recreate life itself. As we said, our human race would already be able to clone a man, so it's not an illogical thought to assume they could recreate life in a more advanced and perfected way. So they surely could have travelled to a world that hosted the conditions for life, maybe a world that was similar to their original one (that at this point probably could even not exist anymore), as was Earth, and probably not only here, but to other similar worlds too (the universe is so immense it wouldn't have been impossible for them to find these other planets).So they came here and started their project of creation of life, originating human life and observing it as it proceeded on the steps of its evolution as they did aeons ago too. Then, after the initial evolutionary processes, they saw humans have reached a certain degree of civilization(they might have ''guided' 'them a bit to this point also),and so they decided it was the time to begin a proper contact with them: we assume that they began this contact with the Egyptians, Mayans, Sumerians, etc, but they could have played a role also in those empires whose memory is now almost lost or whose names have become legendary, like Atlantis (pyramids have been found underwater in the Atlantic Ocean), Agarthi( Hitler sent some expeditions in order to find this ancient empire as the Nazis had hints there could have been weapons and artefacts of enormous power, which could have been alien technologies left there, and it's from those expeditions to the Far East that the Nazis had adopted their infamous symbol, which originally was related to a religion practiced there), and Mu. Anyway, in these first encounters, they could have shared some of their knowledge with these people, have given them some technology, have taught them something, have helped them in more than one way to achieve further progress: as the artworks witness, they didn't reveal to everyone, but only to the leaders of those societies (pharaohs, high members of the cult, etc.),and they could have asked them to build pyramidal structures, or the people themselves could have decided to do so for honouring the visitors, or maybe those structures had some particular use: it is known that originally the pyramids had no funerary purpose, and also when they began to be used for burying, only pharaohs and other important figures could have been buried there. So, if the pyramids indicated a connection with the alien race, it’s logical that only the leaders of the society, who had a direct contact with them, could have been put there after their death, in order to allow them to reunite with these superior life forms: this particular statement mostly regards the Egyptians of course. It is clear anyway that the main purpose of the alien race was the progress of human life.
Again, the appearance in Palestine has been another encounter attempt, but this time the things aliens had decided to teach to lesser humans were not technological, or architectural, but moral, ethical. There is no doubt that aliens were favouring our development for a certain purpose in which we play a key role; the creation of life might have been a mere experiment, but some other references witness there may be a particular Plan involving us: first of all, the care they had in our regards(favouring our development and sharing some of their knowledge with us) should already underline that they aren't indifferent about the fortunes of this planet and of human race, and probably also of the destiny of the other planets in the universe which they might have populated with human life. But since they couldn't stay constantly with us, guiding us and controlling our progress, they might have found the necessity to assure that, even in their absence, their breeding colony would still manage to exist and develop; in other words, they didn't want to risk that we humans, left alone, would end up destroying ourselves and therefore annihilating the breeding colony. For this reason, through a messenger, Jesus, who was half ‘’new’’ human and half ‘’old’’ human, a form that made us feel he was ‘’closer’’ to us, we were taught the fundamental principles of Christian religion(ie. respect of life. respect of people, peace, fraternity, and so on):these ethic rules, when accepted, would have made us respect more their creation, and would have put the base for a better society, constructed around those moral principles. Hence the definition of ‘’good’’ that is everything that allows the breeding colony to survive, develop, and prosper, and definition of ‘’evil’’ that is everything that damages, destroys or weakens the breeding colony. With the use of this expression (breeding colony) we want to signify that the main purpose for which the aliens created human life on Earth is to have the possibility to choose some individuals from here and allowing them to enter the “Kingdom of Heavens” (it’s not a case if it’s called Kingdom OF HEAVENS, because they really are in heaven): the reason why they want to select some of us can’t be said without falling into pure speculation, but this idea of getting access to Paradise is of course central in the Christian religion, and therefore the idea of selecting the worthy ones. The opposition Hell/Paradise can be read this way: while Paradise is the land of ‘’God(s)’’,whose inhabitants have reached a greater comprehension of life, of themselves, of their role in universe, a land dominated by rationality and pure feelings(the develop of them is direct consequence of the higher state of comprehension),where probably through ‘’divine’’ technologies also death has been defeated and everyone can live in peace, Hell is nothing more than a state of ignorance that is related on staying on Earth, whose inhabitants are unaware of the Plan, of the true meaning of their lives, of their role in universe, where often irrationality and concrete needs can lead us to struggles, wars, and bad emotions, and where there is no remedy to death that is the negation of life, and therefore the negation of the supreme principle of universe, at least in the vision of the aliens. This last statement can relate to the ‘’miracle’’ of Jesus’s resurrection hat showed how death could be defeated: as the famous British writer Arthur C.Clarke once said, ’’there is no difference between magic and the highest technology’’; indeed what could have seemed to people of that time a ‘’miracle’ could have instead happened thanks to a particular and very advanced technology. In addition, the ascension to the sky after the resurrection has to be interpreted as the access of Jesus to the Paradise.
In this perspective we can also consider the Salvation as being allowed to reach the celestial kingdom of our creators: but of course not everyone will be allowed to get there eventually, but only those who have previously demonstrated to possess the requirements to be accepted there, those who have at least moved the first steps to the new state of consciousness, those who have been sensible to the teachings of our creators. It’s not a case that in Christian religion (but also in others) there is the idea of a Final Judgement, when indeed people will be judged, in the sense explained before, by their creators. But we don’t have to see this Judgement as definitive: it has to be interpreted as another visit of the aliens on the Earth, when they’ll take some worthy ones with them, while the unchosen will simply be left on Earth. It’s also likely that we won’t even notice their arrival, cause if not they would have unveiled to everyone their existence, differently from how they constantly behaved until now, avoiding a clear and definitive revelation. As a further proof to reinforce the return and judgement thing, there is the deep and most ancient meaning of the word ‘’apocalypse’’(the time of the Final Judgment), that originally meant ‘’revelation’’ :of course revelation to the chosen ones of the Plan, of the existence of a promised paradisiacal land, of a new state of awareness and knowledge. If we take a look to the Mayan calendar, they had divided the flow of time in some millennial circles, in relation to the position of the known planets in the sky: one of these circles ends on 21/12/12,year in which indeed there will be a particular and very rare alignment of planets with the Sun, and also a predicted major solar flare due around that date. What a better way for aliens to indicate and plan the time of their return on Earth? How would they have been able to measure time while flying around the universe and therefore decide when to return, according to the relativity theory, without taking as reference astronomical rare happenings? So, according to our theory,2012 will be the year of a new return on the Earth, when they’ll again check our progress and choose some worthy ones to come with them(see the Christian reference to the ark of Noah):and probably most of us will even not notice that this really happened. The Mayans indeed referred to this end of a cycle not as the end of time, but as a very significant moment for mankind: life would continue also after 2012,cause indeed their calendar doesn’t interrupt there and there are no references to an annihilation of human life. In addition, believing the aliens in the supreme value of life, It would be contradictory if they would suddenly decide to destroy us all, their ‘’sons’’.
As a final conclusion, we want to bring your attention to this fact: pyramids were constructed among every people who was supposed to have had contact with superior life forms(Egyptians, Mayans, etc.),civilizations which were the most advanced of their times. There is no doubt that the most advanced country of our times are the USA, and that it is supposed they got in contact with aliens and are also studying alien artefacts: so….it is really a coincidence they are building pyramids in Area 51? Look on Google Earth if you want a proof of that…

This is the core part of our theory. We hope you enjoyed the reading and that you’ll tell us what you think about that! Anyway we’ll continue posting more ideas as soon as we perfect them! Bye everyone,

Andy & Michele

1 comment:

  1. so in all of this, do we have a purpose on earth other than to prove our advancement thought the years. what are your opinions on life 100 years from now and will we look back and be baffled by what we learned, created and theorized in the 21st century, much like we've done for the Egyptian and Mayan cultures?
